Our company is engaged in the production and marketing of piston screw rotary motors and more specifically rotary actuators/slewing actuators. For Voss Antriebstechnik GmbH, the production of rotary actuators has become our life’s work, which is why our company is a reliable partner whenever the need for efficient and precise rotation arises. Our rotary actuators have a history of more than 30 years. It all started when the company Rudolf Hausherr & Söhne from Sprockhövel developed, manufactured and began to successfully sell the original product – the “rotary piston cylinder”. Hausherr has long been one of the leaders in the field of oil hydraulics and is also known as a manufacturer of machinery and drilling equipment. After the collapse of the mining industry in the Ruhr region, whose enterprises were the main customers of Rudolf Hausherr & Söhne, it found itself in a difficult financial situation. In the 1990s, WALTER VOSS acquired the production of rotary drives from Rudolf Hausherr & Söhne GmbH & Co. KG and continued its development, which has not stopped to this day.

WALTER VOSS Fluidtechnik GmbH has a reputation as a reliable manufacturer of quality hydraulic products and until recently its production program also included high-quality rotary drives. In order to respond even more actively to the dynamic and growing market for rotary drives, the company decided to spin this area into an independent direction. A separate segment has been created specifically for the rotary drive product in order to maximize the concentration on this innovative product for rotary piston engines. Subsequently, we, together with WALTER VOSS, decided to create our own company for the direction of rotary drives under the name VOSS Antriebstechnik GmbH, which is currently engaged in the production and sales of this product.

Customer satisfaction and the quality of our products are the most important principles for us. As a result of this approach, our products meet the most stringent quality requirements and are 100% tested. To make our product even more efficient, the components required for rotation have been tested and calculated by Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart. Thanks to the data obtained through testing, we can guarantee that our rotary drive has an extremely efficient power transmission, which ultimately benefits the user.

VOSS Antriebstechnik is

  • individual solutions to your problems
  • highest quality at a reasonable price
  • process reliability thanks to many years of experience
  • prompt response
  • customer focus
Voss Antriebstechnik - Drehantriebe, calculated by Porsche!